Sunshine Kisses

Hello there chickadees! It certainly has been awhile hasn't it? My apologies for my absence University is certainly kicking my butt but hopefully it'll all settle down now. I don't have today's outfit to post I had an exam so I left in a flurry but here's an outfit I wore Sunday before last. My sister & our friend and I went to a Pop up Vintage Fair. It was less dazzle dazzle than we thought but it was still a very fun adventure and the weather was so lovely.

The dress I'm wearing is actually my sister's shocker right?! Her wardrobe it could put most girls to shame it's so elaborate and beautiful. I knew I just had to borrow a dress from her when we went to this fair. She didn't disappoint and let me borrow the most beautiful dress. It was perfect for the occasion to because the weather was so nice and the sun was shining so sweetly. The world seem like such a wonderful place when you've got good friends to spend time with, a nice frock and jolly weather. I'm so thankful that Spring is here it always brings out the dreamer in me and makes me look forward to every new day instead of dread it. Let's hope every day is kind to us this time of the year.

Some closes of the dress which is loosely inspired by the design of a traditional Chinese dress known as a cheongsam and my favorite picnic ready purse

outfit details: Biographical Book Club Dress from ModCloth, vintage picnic basket hand bag a gift from my sister (similar) , snazzy brown oxfords, Tatyana Petticoat in Lime Green discontinued (similar)



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