A touch of Pink, A splash of Polkadots

So what's better than polkadots? Well polkadots with a splash of color of course! There's no color quite like pink even hot pink, comes off as elegant and feminine instead of garish when used in small doses. This outfit was actually inspired by my dream job if my dream of being a pastry chef doesn't exactly pan out and that's being a flight attendant! Their crisp uniforms, expertly tied neck scarves, the way they always seem so poised and knowledgeable to me they are some of the most wonderful women in the work force. I usually am not a bright colors gal, I suppose it's because I'm more of a Betty than a Veronica but sometimes it's a little fun to pair an elegant ensemble (hair in a chignon, white blouse and black flats) with a fun colored pencil skirt.

So I'm sure you'd noticed this isn't the usual place I take pictures right devoted reader? Of course because my sister let me in on a little secret the roof of our apartment complex makes for a really neat backdrop surprisingly enough. I had a lot of fun getting my photo taken and taking photos of my sister & her BFF while we jammed out to the Grease soundtrack. The most unlikely places sometimes make for the most interesting pictures you never know with a little creativity even your backyard can be a magical place for photos. Despair not if like me you a) either don't live close enough to beautiful sights or b) don't have a means of transportation to get to actual beautiful sights.

So photo taking can be very fun and in our case a little silly (really you should see my outtakes and my sister's are to die for) I thought I'd include some of me becoming one with the air. After all dreaming only get's you so far you've got to reach for the stars! (that was my fifth year graduating class motto ladies and gents)

some upclose shots of my lovely charm bracelets

My favorite scarf and currently favorite earrings they are darling bunnies!

A close up of my lip color which matched my skirt quite perfectly.

outfit details: White blouse a gift from a gal pal (similar), Hot pink pencil skirt from Forever21 (similar), old black flats, Polkadot scarf from Forever21 (similar),  Vivid Rose lipstick , charm bracelets were gifts from my penpals, Bunny earrings (sold out

*I can go the distance plays in background* 

The view from the rooftop is something else I stand tall at 4 foot and 10 and a half inches 4ft11 on a good day so I never quite see the world at a huge distance. That might explain why I'm always very worried about the present but sometimes looking at things in a new perspective can give you a new feel for the world around you. On that roof here I was worrying about what to have for lunch when I realized the world is so vast, so limitless I just have to take things one step at a time and with a little faith,trust pixie dust (and hard work) anything is possible.



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