Yesterday my family and I spent the day at home relaxing but it was such beautiful weather we thought it would be such a waste to just stay indoors! We ended up going out to get an ice-cream cone and even took our dog Minnie to the doggy park for some socializing. I wore a very simple outfit but still very feminine and cute for the occasion and it was such nice weather even wearing black I wasn't hot at all. Sometimes you jut have to look cute even going to the park after all, Roger met Anita and Pongo met Perdita simply going out for a stroll to the seemingly eventless park.

This outfit might seem disarmingly simple but don't be fooled this isn't your everyday, run of the mill blouse and skirt combo! This blouse was actually a gift from one of my sister's lovely Pin Up Gal Pals and it's very deer to me (get it hehe). If you haven't caught on yet I have a thing for animals especially animals on clothing, just not clothing made out of animals that's a big no, no. We'll save my chat on my stance on animal products,consumption and cruelty free brands/make up and clothing for another day. As soon as my sister gave me this blouse I knew I'd have to wear it with a simple outfit that would let it's wonderfulness really shine through. I'm a sucker for circle skirts that go with everything. above is a super close up of the blouse print

outfit details: Tatyana Deer Blouse in Beige, Jenny skirt in Black Sateen, old black flats (similar)
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