Calling all gals (sorry fellas) to join a newly formed girl gang criteria for applying must a)like to bake or eat baked goods b) enjoy gushing over fictional characters c) have a penchant for all things romantic and vintage or at least a healthy interest. Please send in all applications to xxxxx address.
Lame joking aside today I thought I'd channel my inner girl gang member, there's just something about pleather jackets that makes you think of swanky girl or boy gangs. I didn't just wake up thinking I'll be a girl gang member today actually far from it. I was still on my whole "polkadots" for the week theme and I spotted this skirt in my bottom drawer and thought how to make it go from Plain Jane to Rocking Susan. I thought a graphic tee would do the trick but as you know weather has a funny way of changing one's fashion plans. The weather was really nice today if you ignored the wind, so a jacket was a must have! Me? I'm a coat gal long and with multiple buttons if possible, or a nice high necked military style jacket but I saw my sister rocking this jacket in her Sandy look and just had to give it a whirl. These buttons actually have been siting in my jewelry box virtually unused since I'm too terrified to pin them to my school bags for fear of losing them so this was the perfect opportunity to brighten a rather tough outfit. Now since it was chilly but not cold I opted for some knee socks because obviously I'm a gang member who still has to abide by school policy. Now when you think of a girl gang you think winged eyeliner, and fierce red lips right? Well that's not really me I'm more of the we call ourselves a girl gang but really we just bake cookies, knit and gush about our favorite t.v shows gang (Gilmore Girls anyone?) so I opted for a pink lip with a touch of red.
A pintastic close up of my pins (see what I did there? haha)
Jackets off now doesn't that mean a storms brewing? No storms or throw downs here not yet anyways. This Girl Gang Gal hasn't an enemy in the world unless you count Math but that's a story for another day. I just thought I'd show off my graphic tee because not only is it one of the softest shirt's ever it's also really rather sassy. I actually don't ow any clothing that is very "French" I own one pair of eiffel tower leggings, two berets (though I'm searching for my dream red one) and this tee. Most of the time very French clothing is very amusing to me to see in American stores because most people here don't speak french so they could literally be squealing about a shirt and it says something along of the lines of "je manger" I eat? No, I kid you not I saw this in a store and had to be seated because I was in a fit of hysterics. However when I saw this shirt on Romwe many moons ago I had to get it because it was a french shirt done right witty and not too overdone.
Even a Girl Gang Gal has to crack a smile every now and then right? I actually combined two matte lipsticks for my lip color today. I have very pigmented lips until awhile ago I thought lipgloss was the greatest thing since swiss cheese so excuse me for my ignorance. My sister's informed me of this fact after nude after coveted nude a) made my lips look like a Wendy's Frosty or b) matched my lip color so well no one noticed I had nude on and defeated the subtle purpose of a nude lipstick. It was then I learned that many colors especially the soft colors I always think look so stunning on other girls would be anything but that color on me. My solution? Mix a color that looks like cotton candy on my sister but Fuchsia on me with a almost wine red color for a pink with a bit of a punch think along the lines of a sort of pink fruit punch if you will (now wouldn't that be tasty?)
Some close ups of my make up on Friday because it was quite bold.
Outfit details: Pleather jacket borrowed from my sister (similar) Romwe shirt (sold out), Forever21 skirt (similar), old knee highs, old boots, miscellaneous pins gifts from friends, NYX Liquid lipstick in Life's a Beach and Kate Moss Lasting Finish 011
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